350 Linden Oaks #140
Rochester, NY 14625
Phone: 585.348.9547
Fax: 585.348.9513
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We believe fundamentally in the power of the financial planning process for helping our clients identify and achieve their life goals. A sound financial plan reduces stress and provides a clear roadmap to follow. From data gathering and risk assessment, to identifying goals and implementing a financial action plan, our team has the skills and experience necessary to guide you safely through this important process.
Arriving comfortably at retirement requires sensible planning and years of dedication. Our advisors use their collective experience to give clients preparing for retirement an easily-followed roadmap for success. No matter what stage of life you find yourself in, FourBridges Financial is here to guide you with trusted advice and sound planning.
We develop long-term personal investment strategies designed to maximize our clients’ success, while minimizing risk. Our strategic approach to portfolio management utilizes a comprehensive array of investment management solutions that provide insulation against the ups and downs of the market.
College graduates not only have more jobs to choose from, but they also have the opportunity to make more money than those with just a high school degree. Yet another good reason to begin saving for your child’s education today.
It’s easy to become overwhelmed with all the many college saving options to choose from. We help you make sense of it all by identify the college saving investment vehicles that are right for you and your particular needs.
No one has a crystal ball for determining the future, however, there are ways to mitigate and protect yourself against the costs of future unknowns.
There are many forms of insurance, but no overarching guide for determining which one is right for you. Thankfully, our insurance experts are here to help. Let them put their years of experience to work for you to identify the insurance options that perfectly meet your needs.
You’ve worked hard throughout your life, made the right financial decisions, and amassed an estate you’re proud of. Now what becomes of it all once you’ve passed on? This is the focus of estate planning and a question every person should ask themselves as part of the overall financial planning process.
Our estate planners are here to provide you with advice and guidance on estate taxes you should be aware of, wills and living trusts, and other wealth preservation strategies necessary to meet your long-term goals. At FourBridges Financial Group, we don’t see estate planning as a one-time occurrence. We regularly return to your plan to update and adapt it in response to the inevitable changes of financial markets. Schedule a meeting to discuss your estate today and let us help plan for your family’s wellbeing tomorrow.
For more information about our firm or the services we provide, please contact us.
Copyright © FourBridges Financial Group 2025. All rights reserved. Securities offered through Osaic Wealth, Inc. member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services offered through Osaic Advisory Services, LLC (Osaic Advisory) and Novem Group, an SEC-Registered Investment Adviser firm. Osaic Wealth and Osaic Advisory are separately owned and other entities and/or marketing names, products, or services referenced here are independent of Osaic Wealth and Osaic Advisory. Osaic Wealth, Inc., Osaic Advisory Services, LLC (Osaic Advisory), Novem Group, and FourBridges Financial Group are independent of each other and unaffiliated.